Metaphysical Instruction

About Metaphysics:

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the term “Metaphysics” as; ” a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology.” Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Cosmology is a branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with its characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom. Lastly, epistemology is the study of knowledge and justified belief.

The literal definition of the word, Metaphysics, is; “beyond the physical”. So, the study of Metaphysics is about the non-physical aspects of our Universe. Often, it ponders the question “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose”.  Or “How did we get here?” and “What are we supposed to be doing here?” Most importantly, the study of Metaphysics helps us to create our own personal philosophy.

When we develop our own philosophy as a result of the study metaphysics, we find our purpose in this life . This is capable of setting us on a shorter path towards spiritual perfection.

Metaphysical Instruction with John:

John teaches Metaphysics with his partner, Cheri Mancuso. Together they bring over 60 years of combined study to their curriculum. The courses that they offer are very flexible and can be tailored to the individual student’s needs. Classes range from 1 to 1 -1/2 hours in length and are not group sessions.

Examples of class subjects:

Spirit and Spirit guides


Number Symbology

Color Symbology

Karma, Reincarnation and Soulmates

The Chakra System

Dream Interpretation

Your Numerology Chart Interpretation

Your Astrology Chart Interpretation 

Exploring and Applying Spirituality in Everyday Life

Psychic Development:

John and Cheri have helped many individuals to develop their natural psychic ability. Some of those individuals have gone on to become talented Metaphysical Practitioners after completing John and Cheri’s beginning, intermediate and advanced Psychic Development classes.

John and Cheri can assist you in discovering and developing the following psychic abilities:







Psychic Protection

Healing and Bio-alteration

Energy Work


Astral Travel


Remote Viewing

Aura Viewing

Spiritual Life Coaching:

John and Cheri provide spiritual life coaching services for many of their regular clients. This enables these clients to make the best moves and decisions in life. This is done by applying the appropriate psychic skill to the aspect of the client’s life that is in in question. For example, you may have a job offer but you aren’t sure whether it would be a good move to accept it. Cheri would tune in to the job offer and the company to provide you with more information to enable you to make a good decision about the offer. Or you want to make a change in your life but don’t know the best time to do it. John would use Astrology and Numerology to chart the best time for you to make that move.

Sometimes  our clients call on us to help them make the right spiritual decision in their relationships with other people. This is very important for them because they are aware of the Law of Karma and its fruit. They want to be sure to make the right decisions that will produce positive karma for themselves and others.

This type of life coaching provides peace of mind and increases the chances of making good major decisions. Coaching is done in-person and by phone.

For More Information about Metaphysical Instruction, Psychic Development or Spiritual Life Coaching:

Email: John and Cheri

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